I know I shouldn't ask
I know the answer
I know, but I don't know, so I ask.
And even if I knew, and I knew it for truth
I really didn't know, so I asked. And found out I did know.
So, in the end, I know how I feel
and I know that I know
but I don't know what I feel
or how I know, or even if I really know.
And never quite sure, never quite safe, never quite certain,
I spend hours being happily lost
and knowing I'm lost, and loss would sadden me
then in a minute I get truth, which I had in my hand, thrown at my face.
And I notice it!
And... loss does sadden me.
Complex world, this one...
But as my big brother said: If we were simple enough we could understand ourselves, we'd be so stupid we couldn't handle the information. Or something like that, I'm paraphrasing here.
Short thought
This vase and I have so much in common.
We felt empty, stained, colorless and
perhaps even rotten somehow.
That was indeed the worst December
of my life;...
Hace 9 años.
3 comentarios:
hey Irving, bueno hace ya un tiempo que no hablo contigo, pero me gustaria que me ayudaras con una pregunta! Yo tenia un blog el cual elimine unos dias atras y me gustaria saber si tu agregaste los links los cuales son en realidad Anuncios o fueron agregados automaticamente.. te pregunto porque lei en un libro sobre colocar ads en el blog para beneficio propio y quisiera implementar esto a mis proximos blogs...
Pao, preguntame por msn o mandamelo al mail pa poder decirte bien... es algo semiautomatico.
Ok!..btw te agregue en facebook hace un buuen tiempo atras..add me! jeje hablamos por msn..chaiito!
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